Wednesday, September 22, 2010

We are the Wakefields!

Hello Everyone,
 Welcome to our blog! Let me tell you a little bit about this. As Ryan and I continue our lives now as "The Wakefields" we wanted a way to let people in on our life if they chose to peak. :-) Between the two of us we have many friends and family members who live far away and we thought this was a great way to update people in between phone calls and visits. I am not saying that our lives are SUPER exciting but that I know there are some of you out there that may want to keep up with what we are doing.
  I thought for a long time about that to call this blog and with the help of friends and family we cam up with "Wake up with the Wakefields". So, when you do decide to peak in on our lives, sit back maybe on a lazy Sunday morning with your cup of coffee as you wake up and enjoy!

~ We are the Wakefields!